Step 1 Base cut out of balsa wood.

Step 2 Tent poles glued onto the base.

Step 3 Sheet of cardboard glued on to give stability.

Step 4 Roof poles glued on.

Step 5 Tent pegs glued onto the base.

Step 6 Rectangular pieces of old towel ready to be glued on.

Step 7 5 of 6 sides ready.

Step 8 Piece of cloth glued onto last side.
Last piece of towel cut into 2 pieces and glued on as curtain.
Poles of canopy glued on.

Step 9 Towel piece cut into the shape of animal hide.

Step 10 Shaped piece glued on as canopy.

Step 11 Triangular piece of towel to form the roof.
ATTENTION: Make it slightly bigger than needed and give
the baseline an uneven touch.

Step 12 First piece of roof glued on.

Step 13 Roof completed.

Step 14 Different angle.

Step 15 Everything soaked with thinned white glue
(1:1, some black paint added to make final painting

Step 16 Different angle.